Magdalena Kegel,  —

Magdalena holds an MSc in Pharmaceutical Bioscience and an interdisciplinary PhD merging the fields of psychiatry, immunology and neuropharmacology. Her previous research focused on metabolic and immunologic changes in psychotic disorders. She is now focusing on science writing, allowing her to culture her passion for medical science and human health.

Articles by Magdalena Kegel

Natural Molecule Slows Progression of Kidney Disease in Alport Mice

Exposing a mouse model of Alport syndrome to the naturally occurring factor pentraxin-2 slowed progression of kidney disease and increased mice lifespan, say researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle. Their findings, published in the journal JCI Insight, suggest that pentraxin-2 could potentially treat chronic fibrotic kidney disease. Speculating on…

Alport Syndrome Is Treatable, Says Expert Reviewing Latest Developments

New insights into Alport syndrome have shown that the inherited kidney disease previously thought to be untreatable does respond to therapy, according to a review of Alport developments, prospects and obstacles to treatment. The review writer, Dr. Clifford Kashtan of the University of Minnesota Medical School, also contended that the medical profession…

Alport Mutations Database Expanded, with More Variants to Be Found

A study of more than 750 previously unknown mutations in the Alport disease-causing collagen genes suggests that researchers have touched just the tip of the iceberg, identifying fewer than 10 percent of all possible genetic variants. Findings also demonstrated that the age at which patients reached end-stage renal failure was…